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Lease Proposal
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Lease Proposal

Executive Summary

This Lease proposal sets out the terms of the lease between the [Lessor] (hereinafter referred to as the "Lessor"), having its principal place of business at [Location] and the [Lessee], (hereinafter referred to as the "Lessee"), having its principal place of business at [Location]. The Lessor is the absolute owner of the property, [Property Name]  (hereinafter referred to as the "Property"), situated at [Property's Address] and is granting the mentioned property to the Lessee.

The term of the Lease proposal is from the starting date [Start Date], (hereinafter referred to as the "Commencement Date") and shall end on [Termination Date], (hereinafter referred to as the "Termination Date") as agreed upon by the Parties. The Lessee will be depositing [Amount] as the security deposit to the Lessor as discussed.
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Property Overview

The Property is situated in [Location]. The details of the said [Property] are as follows:

[Mention the details of the Propoerty] 

Proposed Usage

The Property shall be occupied and utilized by the Lessee for the purpose of: 

[Mention the purpose]


The Lessee shall pay a base rent of $[00.00] to the Lessor from the Commencement Date and throughout the term of this Agreement, payable on a monthly basis  (hereinafter referred to as the "Base Rent").

The Lessee shall pay the Base Rent to the Lessor on or before the [Date] of every month.

Term of Lease

The lease hereby granted shall be for a period of [Months/Years] commencing from [Start Date] and ending on [Termination Date].
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Utilities and Services

The Lessee shall be responsible for paying and maintaining the provision of utilities including but not limited to, water, gas, heat, light, power, telephone, internet, and sewer. [Add More Details].
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The Lessor grants to the Lesse, the right and option to extend the Term of this Lease for [number of period] period of [time period] (the “Renewal Term”). The Renewal Term shall commence upon the day next following the last day of the Initial Term. The Lessee shall notify the Lessor in writing of its election to extend this Lease for the Renewal Term not less than [number of months] months prior to the expiration of the Initial Term
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The Lessee may not sublease, assign, sell, or convey the Property to any other party without the prior written approval of the Lessor which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
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This Proposal shall be terminated if any of the Parties breach the terms and conditions herein and/or:
  • Cancel the Proposal.
  • Sue for specific performance.
  • Sue for actual and compensatory damages.
  • [Add more termination details]
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Terms and Conditions

  1. Rent: In consideration of the Lessor granting a lease of the Property to the Lessee, the Lessee shall pay the rent monthly to the Lessor as stated above.
  1. Inspection: The Lessor shall have the right, from time to time, during normal business hours on any working day, to enter the Property with prior notice in writing of at least [number of days] business day to the Lessee, for the purpose of inspection or repairs and to view any user of the Property.
  1. Force Majeure: At any time during the subsistence of the Lease proposal, the Property is destroyed or damaged by fire, any Acts of God, war, acts of terrorism, or due to any other cause beyond the control of the either Party and not attributable to any act, the omission of the Lessee, so that the Property becomes unfit for occupation and use by the Lessee, then in such event the Lease Rent hereby reserved shall be suspended until the Property is rendered fit for occupation and use provided that in the event the Property cannot be occupied by the Lessee within a period of [number of months] months of the occurrence of such event, then in such case, either Party may terminate this proposal by giving the other [number of days] days notice in writing.
  1. Performance of Services: The Lessor agrees to perform such Lease proposal services as agreed by the Lessee. The Lessor further agrees to provide such services with its available skills, resources, and expertise in a professional and timely manner with the highest quality services. 
  1. Relationship of Parties: It is agreed that the Parties herein are independent contractors and the relationship between both the Parties shall not constitute a partnership or a joint venture.
  1. Governing Law:  The Parties agree that this Proposal shall be governed by the laws of [State]. In the event the Parties do business in different states, this Proposal shall be governed by the laws of [State].
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Acceptance and Signature

If you are interested in proceeding with the Lease Agreement, please provide your acceptance by signing below:

Assign signer 1
Assign signer 1
Assign signer 1
Assign signer 2
Assign signer 2
Assign signer 2
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